- Follows UGC-CARE Guidelines
- Impact Factor: 9.24
An online refereed journal (peer reviewed journal). An Openly Accessible, Widely Indexed, Multidisciplinary, Scholarly / Academic, International Journal
CrossRef DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is alloted to all published papers. Indexed by Google Scholar and many other research databases
Online for open access, easy accessibility to everyone, everywhere and all time.
This journal tries to establish association with academicians, research scholars, industry experts involved in the receiving, distributing, supplying the research data, interpretations.
Therefore we have launched the journal. This journal is a peer reviewed, open access online journal, biannually published which covers all the fields of engineering and management.
Articles/ Research Papers based on empirical research, conceptual, experiences and promising ideas related to engineering and management are invited for consideration in the journal. We extend our warm invitation to all academicians, professionals, corporate executives, business heads and researchers to contribute in the journal.
We are also committed to provide a common universal platform to utilize research knowledge worldwide.
The Journal will published online to attract a wide audience authors will have online access to the full text of the articles / research papers.