It is very important and essential now days to have automated and paperless library functioning. With the various discipline and vast varieties of books it is extremely difficult to access the required literature through manual means. In order to achieve this Institute has switched over the functioning of its library through use of ERP software.

The day to day routine library activities such as circulation, cataloguing, acquisition and data processing are done through ERP software.

The function of library has been completely automated with an Integrated ERP System. The same is being used for all kind of circulation. All the library books are bar-coded and are being issued to the users by identifying the barcodes. The library stocks include the books, syllabus, question papers, journals and project reports. The library users can access E-books and E- journals through DELNET Digital Library. GGIT has an annual membership of DELNET Digital Library.
The use of Wi-Fi facility is also available for accessing library resources and hence all the E-resources are accessible throughout the campus by means of network connectivity.

DELNET Digital Library: